A Homeowner in Bethany Beach Was Impressed by the Quality of Our Grout Sealing Services
July 19, 2024
Shower maintenance was a top priority for this Bethany Beach resident, so she was determined to find a solution that matched her standards. For weeks, she'd tried to stop the signs of deterioration on the shower and the spread of mold on the grout. Despite all her efforts, things came to a head when cracks started showing on the grout and some of the ceramic fell apart as a result.
This required the expertise of a professional grout sealing service in Bethany Beach so the homeowner began looking through different local companies until she decided that Sir Grout of Sussex County was by far the best option. She contacted our techs via the website's online scheduler and they promptly responded to her request for an in-home evaluation.
On the appointed date, our specialists visited her house to inspect the shower. Since both their vehicle and uniforms were identified with Sir Grout's logo, the homeowner recognized them right away. She led them to the master bathroom and our crew assessed every inch of the shower, taking note of the areas where the grout needed extra work.
Unfortunately, a combination of moisture, minerals, and soap-based cleaners had left the grout very vulnerable to damage. Dark stains could be seen between the tiles on the floor and the shower seat. This was also the area with the largest cracks, including a large gap in the corner after the tiles had gone loose. Our crew explained that, in time, the damage could extend to all the corner joints, compromising the shower's structural stability and posing a risk for its occupants.
They needed to repair the damaged surfaces and seal the grout after using their special cleaning equipment on the shower. The client listened to their explanation, thanked them for their assistance, and scheduled a new appointment to have her shower revamped.
At her convenience, our techs returned to the house a couple of days later. They prepared the area and deep cleaned every surface with a permeating formula that got the dirt loose on the pores. Then, our techs used a 275-degree vapor steamer to optimize the process on the seams and other harder-to-reach areas, effectively removing all traces of mold and soap scum.
When the shower was ready for the next stage of the restoration, our specialists installed epoxy grout on all the seams to enhance their resistance to water, mold, and wear and tear. Then, they carefully applied a new tile overlay on the damaged areas, including the floors, and parts of the shower seat.
To protect the grout on the walls and the floor, our experts used Sir Grout's flagship ColorSeal. The white sealant brought out the contrasting colors on the tiles and provided lasting protection against external elements, including water, soap, mold, mildew, soil, and more.
In less than a day, the shower had gone through an impressive transformation. Every surface looked as good as new and the homeowner couldn't be happier with the result, thanking our specialists for restoring the shower's former elegance.
She also asked for additional cleaning tips, and our techs were happy to deliver. First, they recommended replacing traditional products with pH-neutral solutions like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. This represents a safer way to go about routine cleaning because our cleaner doesn't have harsh ingredients that could corrode hard surfaces after a while. It's also more effective overall, removing common shower stains without the need of using additional products. All you need is the right tools to scrub off the residue and all shower surfaces will look spotless in no time.
Regarding this point, our specialists stressed the importance of using only non-abrasive tools like a towel, a terry cloth, or a squeegee. Something sharper could scratch the surfaces and eventually lead to deep cracks in the tiles. Non-abrasive tools also allow more precision in removing residue from narrow surfaces like the seams and the grout lines sitting between smaller tiles.
Our final recommendation is always a reminder to open the windows and doors near your bathroom surfaces. Shower surfaces are naturally more vulnerable to the effects of moisture buildup so they need to be in a well-ventilated environment to counter the worst damage.
Don't lose sleep over a soiled shower and let Sir Grout of Sussex County assist you with our hard surface restoration services. We have the expertise to properly address any problem and the result will not disappoint! We invite you to reach out so you can see for yourself! Just call (302) 306-4245 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.