This Bathroom Floor in Greenwood Is Spotless Thanks to Our Grout Sealing Specialists
April 20, 2024
It's hard to feel at ease in a bathroom when its surface is anything less than spotless. A homeowner in Greenwood knew the importance of keeping a hygienic space in her master bathroom, so all her free time was spent trying to remove the dirt from the floor's grout. The homeowner started getting used to that routine until she realized that she'd been at it for almost a month without making a breakthrough.
This wake-up call led her to look for grout sealing services in Greenwood and, against all her expectations, the solution appeared almost right away. Sir Grout of Sussex County impressed the homeowner from the moment she got a look at our website's content, especially the success stories on display in our picture gallery. It only took her a few minutes to fill out our contact form and our techs didn't keep her waiting, so she was able to schedule an appointment that same day.
At her convenience, our specialists visited her house in Greenwood later that week for an in-home evaluation. Once inside the master bathroom, they inspected the surface, checking for damage to the grout and the tiles. The main issue was the amount of embedded dirt covering the grout lines; black lines ran across the shower and ruined the floor's original layout. When the client described her previous cleaning attempts, our techs explained that traditional cleaners are, for the most part, ineffective against the dirt that's stuck on the grout pores.
On top of releasing chemical fumes into the air, these products trap the dirt under a soapy film, making it easier for the stains to spread around the entire grout. The amount of foot traffic also made things harder, which is why it was crucial to seal the grout after deep cleaning the floor. Our crew shared all their insight with the homeowner and she gladly requested their services at the end of the evaluation.
On the scheduled date, our experts returned to her house for the restoration of the bathroom floor. They used a permeating cleaner and a high-speed scrubber to remove all the stains, including the thick layers of dirt on the grout. As our product dried on the surface, the grime loosened on the surface so it was no hardship for our crew to eliminate everything.
Next, they applied ColorSeal on the grout lines and carefully removed the sealant's residue as they moved around the bathroom. The homeowner wanted the grout to match the tiles, so our techs used a pearly beige color for full effect. Thanks to our signature sealant, stains don't have to be a common sight on a floor's grout, because you have the best protection to ward off external elements and liquids.
After buffing the newly-restored surface, our professionals invited the client back into the room to check the result. She loved everything about the floor's new look, from the clean grout to the rich color on the tiles. The floor looked spotless and she couldn't be more pleased with our work.
Our techs shared some additional recommendations before leaving the client's home. To keep dirt from spreading on the bathroom floor, they told her to try pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. This formula combines high-quality ingredients to provide the best results, even in areas subjected to constant traffic. Our cleaner works against soap and cosmetic residue, mold, mildew, and other common bathroom stains, so homeowners don't need to mix different products just to get each mark off the floor. They can remove all the dirt with the help of a mop or a clean towel and keep their floor looking as good as new for the rest of the day. You also won't get overwhelmed by the appearance of new stains between the tiles because our product works without weakening the sealant's protection on the grout.
Our experts also gave the client a few tips to keep the air from becoming stale. Moisture buildup is a constant risk around bathroom surfaces because of how cramped they are and how much dampness they see throughout the day. To counter this, we recommend opening the windows and the bathroom door to improve indoor ventilation. A dry surface is less likely to be affected by mold and other hygiene-related problems.
Sir Grout of Sussex County offers the ideal solution to help you preserve your bathroom floor, shower, and vanity top. Our services are tailored to improve the maintenance of bathroom surfaces, so homeowners can finally get used to having a spotless bathroom at all times of the day. If this sounds like something you'd want for yourself, contact our specialists today! You can call (302) 306-4245 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.